Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Rest Days

Even though I totally understand why athletes have rest days and ALL the benefits of including a rest day in a training cycle, I can't help but feel so guilty when I plan on having one. I feel like I am letting myself down and being lazy. I don't know why I think this, and it is definitely silly, but I can't help it.

I am a pretty active person, I would say on average I do some exercise 6 days a week, and sometimes I will even do something in the morning and then something again at night. And I understand compared to an elite athlete this is nothing, but it sure has to be more than the couch potatoes sitting at home. So I don't know why I can't turn off that little voice in my head saying 'Get up and do something lazy', even if I am well overdue to have a chill out day.

I am trying to include a few extra rest days in my training cycles because lately I have found myself struggling to get through planned speedwork because of 'dead legs' which I am pretty sure are from either a) my long run or b) weight sessions too close to speed work sessions. I am hoping these extra rest days will recharge me and meaning I can kick some serious butt when racing.

Does anyone else struggle when it comes to your rest day? What tricks do you use to stop feeling guilty?

Ash :)

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