Sunday, 21 September 2014

Dopey Training Update- First back to back run weekend!

This past weekend was a momentous one, my FIRST BACK TO BACK training weekend for Dopey. The plan called for 4 miles on Saturday and then the big 13 on Sunday. While slogging away on Sunday, a thought crossed my mind. While looking at my training plan, I always look at the big picture. In that regard, this weekend's past back to back run was nothing. I mean, nothing! I need to double these distances just to get an idea of the epicness that is the Dopey Challenge. But then I had an epiphany!

I almost ran the equivalent to Dumbo Double Dare, or Glass Slipper (runDisney challenge races which involve 10k and half on Saturday and Sunday) this weekend! That is awesome! Just because this weekend's runs were small in the big picture, they are still big achievements. It is pretty easy to get caught up and always look to the next week, and bigger run, but sometimes its fun to stop and enjoy an accomplishment, even if it is just a step to towards the bigger picture.

It was running gear central at my house on Saturday night!
It meant I was up on Sunday at 5:15am, ready to go!

As for my run, the mental game begins now. I have never ran 13 miles for 'training' in my life, normally this past weekend would have been race time. Physically I know I can keep running, but mentally it is really hard to see numbers like 15, 17 and 20 followed by the words miles on a training plan. Swap the miles for km, and sure no problem! And this weekend was also the beginning of more back to back runs, but hey- if I did this weekend, I am sure I can do a few more!

A very happy camper with 13 miles in the books!

How is your training going? Do you have a big race coming up?

Ash :)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

10km PR :)

After some strong and consistent training runs for Dopey (it's amazing how a good goal can motivate you), I found myself thinking about a 10km PR attempt. Where I live, official racing is not an option (8hr drive to the nearest town that would hold a race), so I thought, how about a fake 10km race? Obviously not an official PR, but a nice way to see how my running has come along since I started an official training program, and a program where I have not missed one session since I began.

I needed to beat 1:17:52, which I had run using 2:1 Galloway intervals. Since experimenting with a variety of different run:walk strategies, I have actually found 45sec:30sec to produce some of my speediest runs. I set out with my 45:30 intervals beeping away, and wanted to run a strong and safe 'race'. As I settled into a rhythm, I was feeling good, really good, so I ran the last 750m with no walk breaks. As I ticked over to 10km, I looked down to see a very happy sight. 1:14:23. I know this is no world record pace, but I have been trying to break 1:15:00 for a long time, and to achieve that in a non official 'race' was awesome.

Since beginning (and sticking with) my Dopey training, I have been slowly improving. As a non-runner for most of my life, it has been really satisfying to break out of the 'I can't run/I'm not a real runner' mentality and push myself. Even though I want to continue pushing myself, little achievements like this are what keeps me heading back out 4 times a week.

Without any official races, medals are off the table, but a well timed
online delivery makes for an excellent PR reward! 

My new goal is under 1:10!

When was your last PR?

Ash :)

Saturday, 13 September 2014

The best 5km of my life!

This will not seem like a big deal to many runners. But to me, as far as I am concerned, I just placed first in an Olympic 5000m.

Last week I ran 5km WITH NO WALK BREAKS. Sure I have 'run' 5km thousands of times. But I have always taken a walk break, normally around the 3-3.5km mark in a race for a couple of minutes before I pick it up for a strong finish. When just training by myself I normally just stick to my Galloway intervals as that is what I will be using in all of my upcoming RunDisney Races- Wine and Dine Half, Avengers Half, Dopey Challenge and Castaway Cay Challenge.

I decided a couple of weeks ago to get back into running with my run group, they are a bit faster than me, so I normally just tag along at the back or cut a 1-2km off the out back path so I can finish with everyone and have a safer run. During one session, one of the girls offered to run with me, and as we chatted I was feeling pretty strong. We took one 30 second walk break at the turn around point, and I thought to myself, next time I am not taking that break.

The next week I headed out with the group, and with my goal in focus I finished that 5k running the whole way. I know to a lot of people that wouldn't be a big deal, but it is definitely one of the high points of my running career. To do something that for so long I though was impossible was amazing.

How did you feel when you achieved a long term goal?

Ash :)